Saturday, January 16, 2010

A New Idea

I've had a hard time really finding a focus for this blog.  I've known I wanted it to be mainly about homemaking, but, as all you keepers of the home know, that covers a myriad of subjects.  Plus, I don't have hours a day to pour over this little blog, as much as I'd like to.  Then, it came...

Katie's Quick Home-Keeping Hints!  The idea is that every weekday (or so), I'll post a quick tip on something I've learned about homemaking.  Every weekday has a special category that's close to my home-makin' heart:

~Nutrition Monday
If you know me, you know I adore food; especially nourishing food.  On Mondays, I share speedy little hints to incorporate into your diet that'll give you more bang for your family's bight.  And it's completely budget-friendly.  Especially for this year as we budget our way out of debt, "frugal" is my middle name.

~In-the-Garden Tuesday
There is just nothing like growing your own food; cultivating your soil and watching it bare fruit.  Literally.  Gardening with the children as much as possible can be a bonding, delightful time that makes lasting memories and is a wonderful worldview-shaper for the littles.  Every Tuesday, I'll share about what's going on in our garden, and in the colder months, what we're doing to prepare for next season's garden.  There's always something fun to do when you dig into gardening. :)

~Appliance of the Week Wednesday
Every Wednesday, a certain appliance that could be thought of as a modern day servant that I've grown to love and depend on over the years will be highlighted.  Don't worry, it won't be boring.  There are some crazy gadgets frequently used around here. :)

~Atmosphere Thursdays
The week is winding down, & sometimes so am I.  As a keeper of the home, I control the atmosphere.  Thursdays are focused on ways to enhance a peaceful, happy, creative and productive-enhansing home climate.

~Crafty Fridays
Some Fridays will focus on family project ideas, & others, just for the grown-ups.  Friday is a great day for thinking about fun weekend creations.

I, in no way consider myself an expert in any of these subjects, but I hold a love & interest in each of them, & have spent years learning & thinking about the art of home-keeping.  I hope you will take advantage of the comment boxes to add any helpful extras that we can glean from, & if the posts leave you guessing, feel free to ask questions & I'll do my best to answer (jump in at any time if you have an answer, too!).

Reinventing the wheel is tiresome and pointless, so often I'll end a quick post with a link where more can be learned about the topic of the day.

Living a holistic life instead of a broken-up, categorized one is how I like to roll.  One "subject" weaves into another (exercise = cleaning the chicken coop as fast as I can -- no time or money for the gym; plus dirty coops are gross), & you'll notice that often one blog entry could fit in more than one specified subject day (a Crafty Friday might be a gardening idea that you can do with your kids outside {Together Outdoors Tuesdays}).  Wow, it is getting late and my mind is fading.  I'm not even sure if that makes any sense.  Time to wrap it up...

Very much unlike this post, these will be quick entries that will only take a minute or two to read, so it's definitely not a time commitment to heap onto your already-extremely-demanded-upon days.  It will be a happy little treat I indulge in daily, and I hope it feels the same to you.  Also, this is completely self-serving, as it will keep my mind in the game, focusing on the season of life I'm currently in & what matters most while I'm in it.

Homemaking rocks!


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